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Shi Zi knot (knotting art - handcraft)

Shi Zi knot (cw)
2 Knotting Cords

Shi Zi knot (cw) - Step 1
1. Find the center point of the cords.

Shi Zi knot (cw) - Step 2
2. Fold the cords as shown in the picture.

Shi Zi knot (cw) - Step 3
3. Tighten the knot by pulling four sides.

Shi Zi knot (ccw)
2 Knotting cords

Shi Zi knot (ccw) - Step 1
1. Find the center point of the cords.

Shi Zi knot (ccw) - Step 2
2. Fold the cords as shown in the picture.

Shi Zi knot (ccw) - Step3
3. Tighten the knot by pulling four sides.

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